Below are some questions that have been asked about this page.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, use the Submit Question Icon to ask a new question. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Taxpayer Services at or call (515) 281-3114.

How do I apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN) for business?
You will need to contact the IRS for a Federal Employee Identification Number. To inquire about or secure a number you must first contact their forms order at 1-800-829-3676 and order a IRS form ss-4. Once you have completed the IRS form SS-4 call 816-823-7777 to secure your FEIN.
If a business is located out of my home and I travel to other counties to sell my products do I need a Sale Tax Permit for those counties? Or would I charge the sales tax rate of my county of residence for the business?
You will need a sales tax permit for your permanent location in which your business is based out of. You will not need a permit for the temporary locations. You will need to charge sales tax according to the sales tax rate in the location you are selling.
I would like to complete the online business tax registration form, but the full legal business name will not fit in the ""Legal Name"" blank. Will I have to submit a paper form because of this?
You may need to abbreviate the name.The permit gives you 35 characters.
I need to change the name and address on my business sales tax permit. Do I need to fill out a new application?
Only if you have moved to a different county. Otherwise fill out a change of address form on-line. See the e-service section on our home page.
If I conduct business from my house, do I have to charge sales tax on labor?
Yes. You will need to apply for all the relevant permits. If in doubt about which permits are needed, please call a customer care representative at 515-281-3114 for assistance.
I am in the process of buying an existing restaurant currently open with all permits and licenses. I already have my federal ID number and have registered with the state and have that number. What do I need to do for the sales tax permit?
Please call a customer care representative at 515-281-3114 for assistance.
How can I add my trade name to the Business Trade Name?
You can use our online business change form by following the "Change/cancel/reinstate business tax registration " link form the department homepage or by downloadingthe Business Change Form from our website.
can I add a business name after i get my sales tax permit? and how will i do that?
You can make changes to an issued permit by using the Business Change form application which can be accessed from the department's homepage. If you need assistance with this, please contact Taxpayer services.
Why isn`t Zip Code set up as Zip + 4?
Our experience shows that most of the users do not know the last digits of their zip-code. Requiring them to complete that information sometimes result in what was otherwise a correct mailing address being delivered to the wrong location.
We have aquired an out-of-state company who will be selling to customers in Iowa. All of our sales are resale of feed products for animals. What permits are required?
You will need to apply for the appropriate taxes as explained in our online application "Register for a tax permit and/or employee withholding" accessible from the department`s homepage.
How much does a Fed Employers ID # and Iowa sales tax permit cost?
Please call a customer care representative at 515-281-3114 for assistance.
I am a sole proprietor based out of State. How do I apply for a Sales Tax Permit?
If you are not based in Iowa, you can only apply for a Retailer's use tax or Withholding tax permit. A sales tax permit is for businesses operating in Iowa.
What do I do if I am not sure my application has successfully been received for processing?
Please call a customer care representative at 515-281-3114 for assistance.
Want to start paying my sales tax quarterly, where to I go to do this?
Please call a customer care representative at 515-281-3114 for assistance.
We dont have a business phone number set up yet because we aren`t starting business until March 15th. The business primary phone number is a required field on the ap. How can we apply for the sales tax permit if we cant fill in this field?
You can use any phone number where someone can be reached to answer questions regarding the business for which you are applying a permit.